Up and Gone

A Day In The Life Of Daniel Viator

Donate, bitches

No I’m actually not talking about giving me money in this case (though you’re welcome to…) but the lifegiving substance that is blood.  There happens to be a blood drive going on at the post office around the corner from me but there’s a few people who seem to have me on an rss subscription so I’m reminding you now.  Give blood, you never know if or when you might need some.  If you’re capable and there’s a drive going on nearby, there’s no reason for you to not donate.  Doo eet!

November 25, 2008 Posted by | Rant | Leave a comment

Air Wick automated air fresheners

They scare the crap out of me every time. The end.

November 17, 2008 Posted by | Rant | Leave a comment

Silly Republicans, Trix are for kids.

There was this chick I met in September through a shared love of the band, Sigur Rós.  When Barack Obama was elected president she changed her myspace status to “…is moving to Canada. No, but really… I’m disappointed with you USA!” to which I felt like being a cocky jackass and sent her a message “Why would you be disappointed? Obama won.”  She posted a comment on my page which I deleted as I don’t need the rant of a hate-mongering fucktard on my comment board.  Looking back I should’ve saved it in a text file because the ensuing messages got pretty darn funny.  She had already deleted me from her friends list and I’m usually game for a little bit of flaming so it’s a win/win situation at this point.  Here’s the mail I sent to her in regards to her comment, I address pretty much everything in the comment so you should get the gist of what she said:

“In the unlikely situation that Obama is assassinated and Biden becomes president, we’re still better off than McCain dying in office and Palin taking over. The country’s economy was spiraling downwards based on the policies put in place by the Bush administration and the best Obama can and will do is to put new policies into place that will stabalize the economy. It probably won’t be fixed by the end of his first term but we’re on the road to recovery now and it’s dumbasses who voted Republican this time around that need to open their eyes and see how great our nation’s potential is…just a thought.”

Now I can see how that message would piss off a few people but, being that was my intention, it struck just the right chord.  Here’s the reply, I’m literally copy-pasting, no editing or interpretation.  It’s my blog and I’ll post what I want damnit.

“You really think Obama is going to fix our economic crisis? Wow you really are a sheep… you just follow whatever everyone else thinks. 

This country was built on small business and entrepreneurship. Obama’s plan for redistribution of wealth will KILL small business forcing business owners to layoff people and they hey, guess what, more unemployment! And what happens when people are unemployed? That’s right, they don’t spend money. What happens when people don’t spend money? Depression!

Do you research before you attack. It makes you look ignorant when there’s truly no substance to your argument. 

And PS, even if McCain died in office, Palin is still better than Obama. Did you not watch the final speeches?? Obama couldn’t even string enough words together to form even just ONE complete sentence without a teleprompter. Palin gave over half of hers flawlessly without visual aid. 

I’m done talking to a sheep. Goodbye. ”

Oh boy that was fun.  Happy birthday to me!

November 6, 2008 Posted by | lul, Random Musings, Rant | Leave a comment

McCain, stfu and answer the damn question!


Fuck you McCain, answer the damn questions.

Fuck you McCain, answer the damn questions.

Ok, seriously, John, you’ll never read this but stop blaiming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the current economic crisis.  Yes, because they acted soley out of greed we’re in this mess…but it was you, senetor, and your brethren who dumped regulations that prevented these lenders from doing this.  The blame is not on the American people; it’s not on the greed of Wall Street; the blame is on Washington and Washington alone for allowing Wall Street to get away with fucking the American people for so long.

October 17, 2008 Posted by | Rant | Leave a comment